DUI insurance points, how many points is a dui? I get this question a lot. Keep in mind dmv points and insurance points are totally different. A DUI or DWI as it is called in North Carolina is twelve insurance points.
Insurance points range from one up to twelve points based on the type of violation or claim filed. For a complete list of insurance points, click here.
Now that you have your dui violation, how long will this violation stay on your insurance record? Violations stay on your record for three years from the conviction date not the occurrence date. So the longer you keep putting this off in court, it just extends the time that it will finally affect your insurance. Keep in mind this is your insurance record and not your dmv record.
Another misunderstanding that I see a lot is that once your three years is up, the violation does NOT automatically come off your insurance policy. Insurance points are not added mid-term and are not removed mid-term.The dui insurance points would come off at your next policy renewal after the dui conviction date.
You could cancel your policy mid-term and rewrite as new business to have the points not count against you. But keep in mind that policies cancelled mid-term are cancelled on a short rate basis. This basically means it cost you about one month's premium when you cancel.
Most of the time rewriting will not save you money due to the short rate cancellation. Although, sometimes it will make since to cancel and rewrite. If you want more information on short rate cancellation, you can find it here.
Even though dwi insurance points are only charged for three years, a lot of carriers will still look back five years for major violations and a dwi violation falls into that category. With these companies, they will only offer liability insurance and will not offer physical damage coverage for your vehicle. So you want to make sure this is not the case with these carriers.
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